Bob Little


Blog aims

This blog is intended to be a reasonably informal discussion on various news and issues relating to corporate e-learning. It is neither definitive nor does it represent any ‘official’ view in any way.

Like most people, I pick up on new developments in e-learning through a variety of media and, frankly, it can be a bit ‘hit and miss’. To do a really thorough job would require full-time monitoring and analysis of all sources of material, and would require resources which are beyond the means of any one person. In any case, life is too short for me to spend all my time researching and writing about e-learning!

What I propose to do is to tell you about the various e-learning related news and issues that come across my (virtual) desk from time to time. I will try to keep the update topical but I’m sure that some news items will already be known to some of you by the time they are aired here. If so, please allow me to be ‘last with the news’ from time to time! Hopefully, I will be able to add some fresh insight to most of the stories carried in this blog.

One other point which you should bear in mind (see Disclaimer, below) is that the brief summaries set out in this update are necessarily lacking in detail, and so if you think a story or topic mentioned here might be relevant to your particular sphere of interest, you must go and carry out further research yourself, rather than relying entirely on the very brief summary given here.


Just to remind you that I don’t pretend in this ‘update’ to pick up on every news item and topic of interest within the corporate e-learning field. Moreover, you must bear in mind that the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any other person or organisation.

The items selected for comment are only a small fraction of the interesting developments in corporate e-learning that are going on all the time - so please keep your own eyes and ears open too.

The brief summaries set out in this ‘update’ are necessarily lacking in detail. So, if you think a story or topic mentioned here might be relevant to your particular sphere of interest, you must go and carry out further research yourself, rather than relying entirely on the very brief summary given here.

Every possible care has been taken in the preparation of this material but no responsibility can be accepted by Bob Little Press & PR or its agents for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material contained herein.


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