Bob Little


How to get off the Sofa and Sing like a Professional (Opera) Singer

How to get off the Sofa and Sing like a Professional (Opera) Singer (e-book; ASIN: B006N9LCSG; £4.10 / £3.30 + VAT - available from The Endless Bookcase or from Amazon)

This book tells a little of my sojourn in singing but it sets out a lot more of the singing technique that I've learnt along the way.

That technique, along with some excellent vocal coaching, has been culled from professional opera singers who, in turn, learnt their technique from the rather stern teacher of experience and, in one case, the even sterner (but ultimately hugely rewarding) experience of working with a world class singing teacher in Rome.

I hope this booklet will give you some useful tips and techniques in your search for the secrets of successful singing - and that you'll have at least as much fun from this extremely demanding but rewarding performing art as I've had over the years.

Click here to order this e-book


 How to get off the Sofa and Sing like a Professional (Opera) Singer


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